Old Operating System : FreeBSD

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What is FreeBSD ?

-- Old Operating System : FreeBSD -- FreeBSD operating system is based on BSD 4.4 Lite for Intel-based personal computers, such as AMD, Cyrix or Netgen "x86", PC98 and alpha. And works well on a wide variety of peripherals and configurations and can be used for all of the software developed for the internet service equipment.

Why FreeBSD ?

FreeBSD software can be obtained free of charge at FreeBSD-FTP and to find out new information and updates directly on the internet http://www.FreeBSD.org. Each release of FreeBSD contains everything needed on a system, there is also an inside source code. Full source code contained therein you can recompile as needed. Created for students, researchers or anyone who wants to use it and helps his/her job.

FreeBSD optimizes the use of the PC platform. FreeBSD Provides ease of installation and wide support for PC hardware. FreeBSD supports the i386 and alpha architectures and FreeBSD development on multiple platforms Also have been conducted.

FreeBSD is also used on servers that have the traffic and performance high enough to service WWW and FTP as http://www.yahoo.com. Freebsd also a multi-user, unlike Windows. Its use, many in the Internet server, for their excellent performance, and advantages in terms of "multiuser".

In a variant BSD (NetBSD, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD) model of the development of the operating system is open but has a certain hierarchy, namely:

1. Contributors are the developer who wrote the code, patches, or documentation but do not have the right to write or create a file in the source tree. If the work they do want to be included, it must be checked first by a committee or with the approval of some of the committees.

2. committers are developers who have the right to write and access the source tree, in the scope of CVS, have the right to commit. Typically, a committee work only on selected parts of the overall project.

3. Core Team, guiding the overall direction and objectives of the project and make a final decision in a case of disputes between developers misunderstanding regarding source code or other matters. (OpenBSD does not have a core team formally, but Theo de Raadt served as the project leader.).

Everyone can be a contributor, by sending a patch, or justify the error writing in a manual page. People who contribute a lot of things, or competence in a project area will be promoted to committers, it is intended to keep the other committers checking too many things at the same time.

Here are some of the advantages of the FreeBSD operating system:
  • Virus / Spyware attack slightly
  • Plenty of available applications and programs free
  • Relatively easily customizable (tampered) freely
  • Multiuser

While the lack of FreeBSD:
  • Relatively difficult to use, because it is still in use command text base
  • Compared to Windows, GUI on FreeBSD still lacking
  • For the gamers, the game is very little operating system

that is all of Old Operating System : FreeBSD. Hope it helps readers to know what the old Operating System. Helpfully, if yes please shared. Thanks You


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